Solid wood flooring

We offer solid wood floors for a sharp all-in price. All prices are including installation, soundproof under flooring, skirting and oil finish.

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Oak flooring

Pine flooring

Wood treatments

Solid wooden flooring

1. Under flooring

In Amsterdam your neighbours are always close, so good soundproof under flooring is of vital importance! We use a sound proof foil that meets the strict guidelines for sound insulation.

2. Floating floor

We use solid wood, a natural product that lives. To give your floor space to expand we install floors ‘floating’. The floor parts won’t be glued together and can be used elsewhere in the future. 

We use springs to lock the floor in. Of course the floor is finished with wooden or MDF skirting. 



3. Finish

Once installed the floor will be completely sanded and finished with a qualitative natural oil. We have several colour pigments available, from white to double smoked. It’s important to give the oil at least 2 weeks to settle, this guarantees solid protection and a long lifespan of your new floor.

4. Upkeep

The best thing about solid wood flooring is the way it gains character over time. To keep your floor looking good we have a cleaning agent that contains oil, to clean and nourish it simultaneously. 

Should your floor need to be freshened up after years of wear and tear, it can always be sanded and oiled again. It will look as new after that.

Houthandel van Steen
Overtoom 516
1054 KL Amsterdam
T 020 612 83 00

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